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Can I get custom URL for my Google+ profile or page?

can i get Google plus custom/vanity URL?

Google Plus has been discontinued!

What are custom URLs for Google+ profiles or pages?
I think you know what are they and you want one for your profile too. Like Facebook and Twitter, Google+ supports custom URLs. Google added custom URL feature for Google+ profiles in August 2012, but these links were only available to verified accounts. Here is a Post on Google+ by Google+ announcing custom URLs for accounts.

Google plus post for announcement of custom urls.

They said they will allow custom URLs for more users in future and a while ago they made them available for everyone, but there are some minute requirements and those are not hard to fulfill.

What are requirements?

If you want custom URL for personal profile then:

  • You must have more than ten followers.
  • Your account must be 30 days old.
  • Your profile must have profile picture.

If you want custom URL for page representing some website then:

  • Your page must be linked to your Website.

If you want custom URL for page representing local business then:

  • You must have verified local business

See how small requirements are these to get custom vanity URL on Google+.

What is vanity URL?

A vanity URL is a URL or domain name, created to point to something to which it is related and indicating the name of the URL.

How to get custom/vanity URL?

You'll get notified when your profile fulfills the requirements and becomes eligible. You can also go to links section from your profile's about tab and click on get URL. Google can ask you to provide and verify your mobile number.

Custom URL will be pre-assigned and you cannot change it (Google pre-assigns custom URL using user's name or name of the website). You can change letters to lowercase or uppercase. In my case I was given waseemashraf as a custom URL but after claiming I changed it to WaseemAshraf (+WaseemAshraf). Custom URL for page of this blog was ethow but I changed it to EtHow (+EtHow).

If you have something about this story, share with me in comments.