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Use Google Search as timer

Maybe you need timer that can help you by reminding upcoming events or things. For example you have to go and pick your food from someone who asked you to get it after little time. Chances are you’ll forget that if you are busy in some other work. I've already mentioned a tool that can help you remember things if you forget. There are lots of tools that can help you but you have to download and install them. Also some are available as portable version too but you may want more quick method. (Read also: Free alarm clock for PC)

What is quick and easy way?

You may know Google Search allows different commands using which you can get your work done quickly. Now Google is offering timer through its search. You put any of these commands to get timer running.
  • Set timer (Google will offer you to configure timer)
Or configure timer using command
  • Set timer 1 hour 30 minutes 15 seconds (Shown in picture at top)
Instead of using set timer you can only write timer 1 hour 30 minutes 15 seconds. When specified time is over you'll get alarm sound like alarm clocks.