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Facebook graph search

Graph search is introduced by Facebook for quick search

These days social networks are great way to get connected with friends and family. Millions of users from all around the world are using Facebook for connecting with people in their life. Developers of Facebook always try to introduce new features so that users can use Facebook more easily. Recently Facebook introduced Graph search. Using graph search is really easy and useful. I suggest you to get it now.

Some features of Graph Search:

facebook graph search introduced recently
If you turned it on you’ll get new top bar like the one in picture. (Click on images to enlarge)
default search keywords for graph search
Click over this bar to see some search keywords.
graph search for my friends
If you want to search for anything type that in given bar at top. As an example you can search for my friends to see all of your friends or you can type in my friends from location. (You can replace location with United StatesPakistan, india or even your city to see which of your friends are from that location.)
Graph search for similar likes
You can also search for those people who have interests like you. For example you can search my friends who like pitbull to see how much of your friends like pitbull.
There are lots of good things that it came with and you should give it a try.
To get Facebook Graph Search or for more details click here. (Click on try graph to get it.)

You'll not get graph search immediately but they will add you to waiting list and you'll get notification when graph search is ready for you.