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How to add lyrics to songs?

Add lyrics to the songs with mp3tag

Everyone loves music and someone has said music is universal language. Sometimes we cannot understand lyrics of some songs. You can Search for lyrics of specific songs on Google. These days almost all media players show lyrics of songs if they are available.

You can add lyrics to songs very easily which your media player'll show on screen while playing them.

So now back to main topic, How to add lyrics to songs?

Download a small program named as mp3tag. With this you can edit lots of other information embed in songs. You can also import songs' information from Amazon or from freedb etc.

Download mp3tag

After downloading and installing mp3tag, open it.

Drag and drop any song in its main window.

Add lyrics to the mp3 songs

Right click on the song and click on extend tags...

A new small window will pop-up. Click on Add field button.

search for unsyncedlyrics to add lyrics to the song

Another window will pop-up from where you can search for UNSYNCEDLYRICS in first text field and paste the lyrics text in 2nd large text box.

Click on OK and again on OK. A window will pop-up saying tag is saved in file.

add lyrics to the songs

So, this was pretty easy. Now only thing you have to do is to play song (to which you added lyrics) in media player which shows lyrics. (Default media player in my android phone shows lyrics)

Cover image by Wikimedia